Why Homeschooling Today is Better Than Yoda

Wondering if it's worth subscribing to Homeschooling Today? Obviously we think it is and today we are sharing why!
Even if you've never seen the Star Wars movies, you probably know who Yoda is. That little green creature inspires, teaches, and trains Luke Skywalker in his quest to become a Jedi Knight.
He acts as a guide for Luke's journey. A journey that was difficult, full of danger, and yet worth it because the quest was about something bigger than just Yoda or Luke.
They had something worth fighting for.
A Noble Quest
As homeschoolers we truly do have something worth fighting for: the hearts and minds of our children. Although more and more families are choosing to homeschool, it's still the road less travelled for a reason.
It can be a challenging road as Ashley shares in the video below. But it sure is a rewarding one!
Why You Want Homeschooling Today to Guide You
Yoda may understand how to train a Jedi, but he's not equipped to handle homeschooling (I mean, really...have you heard him talk? I promise you know more grammar than he does!)
Maybe you find yourself growing weary this season, or in need of some fresh ideas, or just a pat on the back from some voices of experience. Do you need some encouragement and practical help?
We’re here for you. We want to come alongside you, to remind you of what matters most, and keep you going!
We want to be your Homeschool Yoda.
With all the resources and blogs and membership sites out there, why choose to subscribe to Homeschooling Today? Because we have something different to offer you.
A TEAM of Experienced Homeschoolers
Our columnists are experienced homeschoolers. Some are still actively homeschooling while others have graduated all of their students—and several have their foot in both worlds. Some are homeschool authors, others are speakers, and some are even homeschool graduates—or a combo of all three.
And all of our team are Christians, committed to seeking His best for our children and yours.
A Mission That Inspires
Every family, every child is unique. There's no "one-size-fits-all" when it comes to children or homeschooling. That's why we believe your homeschool shouldn't look exactly like anyone else's.
Our manifesto ends with these thoughts:
Do you want to say this too?
"We will enjoy this times with our families, we will let go of fear and take hold of courage. We choose to homeschool boldly!"
Subscribe today and get more than a magazine. Become a part of a movement of homeschoolers.
What's New for Magazine Subscribers This Year?
Each year we choose a theme for our magazine. This year we want to unpack what it means to homeschool boldly. Here's what you can expect:
Spring 2021— Developing Boldness
Why does boldness matter? Without it, we can lose our conviction and even our direction. But don’t worry, it isn’t something we have to work up. Boldness will grow naturally as we embrace the truth of our calling and God’s faithfulness to lead us.
Summer 2021—Passing on Boldness
We want to inspire boldness in our children. Once we have embraced it ourselves, we can show our children the way. They need to be bold in this day and age. Let us walk you through practical steps to intentionally raise bold kids.
Fall 2021—Teaching with Boldness
What does it mean to teach with boldness? It means we choose to do what’s best for both us and our families without fear or comparison. Our children have educational needs specific to them. Let’s be bold enough to meet them!
By subscribing now, you'll get our all three of our beautiful print editions listed above, as well as our holiday digital issue. (And... We have some exciting things we're adding this year as well, and you'll always be the first ones to know. You are our people!)
Seasonal Guides
Beginning with our Spring edition, every issue of Homeschooling Today will include a Seasonal Activity Guide that will be a FREE download for our subscribers. Provided inside will be an art lesson, activity suggestions, notebook pages and more. Our goal has always been to offer “Encouragement & Practical Help” as our tagline states. And we hope this guide will assist us in doing just that.
Sign up now to receive the Spring 2021 Issue arriving in mailboxes late March/early April and get this limited time offer. Be sure to use the code SPRING21 to get this special price!