A Review of Raising Disciples from NavPress

Why is it that so many know theology well, but struggle to live like Jesus? How do we become like Christ in the way we live day to day? How do we actually keep in step with the Holy Spirit?
As I’ve asked God these questions in recent months, He has been leading me to dig deep into the idea of Christian spiritual formation. Lately it seems every resource I encounter has something to do with it. Even to the point that I've been praying about becoming certified in spiritual formation so I can help others along their path as well.
Then, what book do I get to review? Raising Disciples: Guiding Your Kids Into a Faith of Their Own. The exact things I've been studying for myself. Coincidence? No such thing. As God often does, He continues to teach me (and YOU) by bringing things together in His timing.
And the best part? Your children don't have to wait until they are in their fifties to learn about it!
There's a Map for That
So let's go back to my original questions, but with our kids in mind. How will our children know how to live like Jesus—to become like Christ? How do we as parents (or grandparents, aunts, uncles, ministry workers) help them on the journey? How can they develop a faith of their own?
I've got some good news. Children's spiritual formation training expert, Dr. Teresa Roberts provides a discipleship map in her book Raising Disciples: Guiding Your Kids Into a Faith of Their Own that is based on God's Word, child development, and spiritual formation. It's not a formula for "making" certain kinds of Christians—our kids have their own free will—but it is an intentional, biblical, and logical plan for us as parents to use as we guide our children on their journey of discipleship.
I can honestly say this is a book I wish my husband and I would have had as a resource. (And I know what several young mothers in my life will be getting for Christmas this year!)
5 Things I Love About Raising Disciples
1. Specific. Raising Disciples targets the first thirteen years of your children's lives. This is such a crucial time in their development (spiritually, intellectually, and physically), but it's often ignored when it comes to the idea of spiritual formation. Can you use a certain amount of this information with teens? Yes! But as you'll see, it gives very specific ideas for each age/developmental stage from birth to age thirteen.
2. Easy. The layout of the book is easy to follow and can be easily referred to in the future as kids develop through different stages of childhood. Full of practical tools that give you specifics about how to implement the ideas presented, this book includes boxes and charts to highlight the information you will return to again and again.
3. Biblical. There's a lot that can be said about this in particular, but one of my favorite parts of the book are the examples of "Jesus' Method' that integrates with the suggestions that Dr. Robert's gives. There's also a section called "Tying It All Together" at the end of each chapter that uses a story from Jesus' ministry here on earth to further show the Biblical significance of each chapter's material.
4. Developmental. Another excellent tool found throughout the book are the charts breaking down the topic of the chapter (for example, spiritual practices or identity in Christ) for each age/developmental level.
5. Conversational. The writing style makes you feel like you're sitting with a friend who's simply guiding you along a path she's already been on for a while. But it doesn't end there. She invites you to continue the conversation— as parents, grandparents, or any other caring adult in children's lives—through reflection questions at the end of each chapter, as well as a list of questions for children's ministry volunteers and leaders at the end of the book.
Get Your Copy Today
I can honestly tell you, I totally recommend this book. Yes, NavPress sent me a copy to review... but I cannot deny that it was in God's perfect timing. This is a resource I'll be using in my own relationships with the children I love and care for. You don't want to miss this one!