The Voices of Homeschooling Today
We offer you an entire team of homeschool writers, creators, and mentors: moms and dads with decades of experience who have homeschooled children from preschool through graduation. We come from perspectives that include second generation homeschoolers, current homeschoolers, and veteran homeschoolers with adult children.
2022 Column Highlights
Some of our favorite quotes of the year!

Mom to Mom
Summer 2022
"In our effort to give our kids a robust education, it can be easy to take ourselves, our kids, and our homeschooling way too seriously."
— Durenda Wilson
Taking the Sting Out of Math
Spring 2022
"YOU ARE NEVER BEHIND. Truly. Resist the temptation to compare your student. Your child is where they are. Build on what they know. Give them the gift of being successful. Don’t push. Lead."
— Steve Demme

Real-life Homeschooling
Summer 2022
"I’d like to reimagine our idea of beauty—to see it in just the normal everyday lives we live. Nowhere near perfect or Instagram-worthy most of the time… but real. That’s what makes it so beautiful."
— Ashley Wiggers