Awesome Facts About Space for Kids

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?—Psalm 8:3–4, ESV
As adults, many of us have memories of laying on our backs, staring up at the sky in wonder. We had this built-in curiosity about the night sky. That vast, mysterious place begged us to ask questions.
And now we get to see that same amazement, that same inquisitiveness we experienced as children in our own kids. Oh, how they love to ask questions!
Answering Kids Questions About Space

Now, more than ever, God has provided us with the ability to actually answer so many of their questions! And as we do, we hope our children stand amazed that the God of this incredible creation also created them as well!
We had the privilege of reviewing Awesome Facts About Animals from our friends at Answers in Genesis. Awesome Facts About Space is another fabulous resource to help us point our kids to the creative God who spoke it into being.
Awesome Facts About Space
Here are just a few reasons you and your kids will love this book!

Vivid, gorgeous photographs. The photographs in Awesome Facts About Space brings those distant stars, meteors, and planets close up so they can see the details. You'll find historical photos from the time of the space race and beyond and astronauts in their element.
Fascinating facts. With the internet, it's easy to find random facts about space. But this book is different. Your children will learn definitions, interesting "trivia" type information, educational facts, and comparisons to help them understand the concepts—all organized in chapters focusing on a different aspect of space.
Eye catching design. The design of Awesome Facts About Space, with it's bright colors, use of fonts and other design elements, make this a visually appealing book to both kids and adults. We don't often think about how important the elements of design really are! They can help children learn by capturing their attention, highlighting information, and acting as a visual organizer. Intentional design enhances the learning process—especially for today's kids.
A flexible resource. This book can be used in so many ways in your homeschool. We love the idea of strewing books around the house so children will see them and pick them up on their own initiative. Or you can use it along with a unit about space in your science curriculum. Add this for a Christian worldview alongside a variety of videos on planets, stars, NASA, and more. There's even a glossary of terms at the end.
And of course our favorite way to use this book is alongside some star gazing with you! (See the next section!)
Reminders of Who created it all. Above all, Awesome Facts About Space encourages our kids faith in an infinitely creative God. Throughout the book your children will be pointed to the Creator.
Experience the Wonder of Creation
If you can... go beyond reading and experience the wonder of creation with your family.
Whether you simply go out in your back yard and lay out on a blanket or take a trip to a state or national park to go camping—your kids will remember the time with you for years to come.
Either before you go or after your time gazing at the stars, Awesome Facts About Space will help solidify learning about God's creation.
Combining experience with reading and learning about space is a powerful way to teach your children!
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