Spring Learning Activities: A Free Guide for Homeschoolers

We’re so excited to share this new resource with you as a part of our Homeschooling Today family. We want to walk alongside you and give you the encouragement and practical help you need for this homeschooling journey.
Our new seasonal, hands-on activity guides are made exclusively for our print subscribers in order to do that second part—give you practical help! But since we wanted you to see what all you get with this resource, we've decided to give away the Spring Activity Guide for FREE when you sign up for our emails.
The guides are designed so you can take advantage of the season to help your kids learn in the way that’s best for them while building strong relationships as a family.
Why Use Hands-on Activities in Your Homeschool
Through the hands-on activities you’ll find in this guide, your kids will benefit in several ways:
Educationally. The more kids see the connection between what they are learning and the real world, the more they understand. By relating the things they are doing with the season they are in, learning will be more meaningful. For example, looking at a picture of a dandelion and then drawing it is great. But actually staring at the real thing, picking it, and watching the seeds fly through the air when they blow on it, is an experience that will be associated with the art they create.
Since Spring tends to have a variety of weather conditions, it's the perfect time to study it! Nature walks will help kids learn observations skills while getting some fresh air and enjoying creation.
Relationally. By doing hands-on activities together you are building more than knowledge. You’re also building relationships! Quality time together is one of the reasons you probably chose to homeschool. That’s why we want to encourage you to do these activities alongside your children.
Get out the pastel chalks and draw the dandelion, too. Keep your own nature journal. Play soccer with your kids! Not only will this benefit your kids, you’ll have more fun homeschooling too!

What You'll Find
In our first activity guide for the year, you’ll find
- An article on studying nature. Learn why it’s important as well as some ideas for how to do it. (And look for the Weather Tracker pages to help you implement one of the ideas!)
- A chalk tutorial on drawing a dandelion. Chalk pastel art projects are great for every age, so it’s the perfect family art project. You may even want to create a gallery wall in your home to hang your unique, personal creations!
- Excerpts from unit studies. We’ve selected some of our favorite Springtime activities from our partner’s at unitstudy.com.
- Activity sheets to support our Great Books articles in the magazine. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to implement Cheryl’s ideas for using literature as a springboard for learning. Stories capture the attention of both young and old alike, so why not use them to teach all kinds of new things?
- Some fun spring related printables—perfect for those times when you are driving in the car or waiting for an appointment or just need a little extra “something”.
We hope the Spring Activity Guide is a valuable resource for you as you homeschool boldly!