Parenting Lessons from the Ant

They marched in, one by one, through the crack in the floorboard and up the cupboard door. Crossing the counter, they advanced to the toaster and surveyed the harvest.
“I’ll take that piece,” one said.
“Need some help?” asked another.
Their comrades, heading in the opposite direction, labored under their breadcrumb burdens. Some carried their own loads; others worked in teams.
What would these ants say if they ever stopped their work long enough to watch the children in that kitchen?
“Why isn’t that boy cleaning up this mess?”
“Why is that lady putting all the food away by herself? Why doesn’t someone help her?”
“It’s going to take that girl a long time to wash those dishes if she keeps leaving before she’s done.”
“There’s a boy who’s working hard. He’s obeying God, just like we are.”
“Why doesn’t everyone just do his work? Don’t they know they will please God by cheerfully cleaning up this kitchen and helping each other?”
“Hurry! The dog’s cleaning up our crumbs under the table!”
What would the ants see in your household? Would they offer some lessons to teach your children?