Create A Family Summer Reading Program
This summer, get the whole family involved in a family summer reading program. Create memories, share great books, and instill the love of reading!
Summer reading programs are just a given for many families. I grew up doing them through our town's library, as did many of my friends. I loved going to the library each week to return the books I had read and pick up new ones.The library had that book smell I loved, and it was air conditioned. I mean it was cold...and wonderful. We hardly ever turned on our air conditioning at home, so getting a little break from the heat and humidity of a Midwest summer was heavenly. I'm not sure if it was the books or the air conditioning that kept me coming back, but whatever it was it caused me to read a lot of books growing up. My friends read a lot, too. We recorded all our summer reading and, if we made our goal, we got to attend a party at the library at the end of the summer. There was a book reading, sometimes a movie, snacks, and a small prize of some kind. I loved it. Now, we live in a community with many reading programs to choose from. Whether it's at the local library, a bookstore, or a grocery store, the programs are all great and all have parties and prizes at the end for those who have met their reading goals. The problem is that my kids aren't really motivated by parties and prizes anymore. They are growing up. But, I want my kids to read this summer! How can I make it fun for them?