Art Study Ideas For Homeschoolers: Go Where The Art Is

Many parents look for art study ideas in art tutorial books and video courses. There are many excellent choices available, such as the ebooks and videos from While at home art courses can be fun and educational, sometimes both kids and parents need some variety.
We have found that you usually don't have to look very far to find great art resources and inspiration. You probably have all you need in your hometown.
Local architecture - Many public buildings are designed by architects to have both function and form. They are created not only to house offices and public service departments, but to add beauty to the community. Good examples of this are court houses and libraries. Churches and homes can, also, reflect various architectural styles.
Take a drive around your community and notice design patterns of various buildings. Architecture can be seen on the inside, too. Visit these public buildings and historic homes and take a look at the interior architectural styles. Local historical societies or libraries might even have information about the relevant architecture in the area.
Local sculptures - Often, sculptures are found in front of public buildings, in parks, as landmarks, or as memorials. Learn about the sculptors, their inspiration, and their media. In our town, we actually have a mapped sculpture walk through downtown with information about the art and the artist.

Community Art Resources
Local art galleries - Most communities have at least one art gallery. It might be in a local museum, library, historic home, or church. Hometown galleries often highlight local artists or subjects. They are great places to go not only to see art, but to inspire your children by showing them local artists. Many times the curators can put you in touch with the artists themselves. We have gotten to know some of the artists in our community and learn about their journey. A few have even offered to give our kids a quick lesson on their technique or medium. Attending gallery openings and special gallery events is another way to show your children a special part of art and the community that supports it. Art classes at local arts and crafts stores - If you have stores like Michaels or JoAnn's nearby, they may offer classes for everything from painting to sewing to drawing. The classes are often taught by local artists with lots of experience and are divided into age appropriate levels. The classes in our area are very good.