20 Minutes For Mom: Stress Relieving Ideas

As moms, our days are full of making sure the needs of our families are met. We cook, clean, kiss boo-boos, organize crafts and activities, educate, get the kids to their activities, and volunteer to help others outside of our families.
Many of us ask ourselves “What about me?” It’s not that we don’t love serving our families. It’s just that sometimes Mama just needs a little time for herself! While we would love a day at the spa or an entire day of shopping...alone, that usually isn’t feasible. But could we carve out just a few minutes for ourselves? Aren’t there days where a few peaceful minutes can be enough to save our sanity? So, let’s say you have 20 minutes during naptime or after hubby comes home to spend on yourself. What can you do? Here are some ideas.
Stress Relieving Ideas For Mom
Nap - Seriously. Sometimes you want to just close your eyes. Don’t forget the power of a 20 minute power nap. Take A Walk - Exercise and fresh air is good for the body and soul. It can be both energizing and relaxing.