7 Awesome Story Time YouTube Channels

When my children were young, we all loved story time. I loved cuddling with my little ones and they loved hearing stories of colorful characters and adventures. There is something about reading a story book aloud to children that calms their bodies, yet allows their minds to go wild at the same time.
Bedtime books were always a must in our house. We always made time for that. Story time during the day was always welcome, but we didn’t always have time in the busy schedule. I often thought I needed someone to read to the children during the day while I cleaned, worked, and ran errands.
Related: lots of literature posts from HomeschoolingToday.com
Shannon Linville - dramatized classic children's books and poetry, as well as Bible verse songs
Storybook Nanny - high quality audio and video along with a great selection of storybooks
Storytime Anytime - a large selection of classic story books and new favorites
Storytime With Miss Yumi - fun, dramatization of storybooks along with occasional props to make the stories come alive
Nana's Story Time - stories read to students by what could actually be their Nana
Children's Books - large selection of books read by a veteran 1st grade teacher
KidsStoryTime - stories read with the help of puppets and stuffed animals
Do you have a favorite story time YouTube channel? Share it with us in the comments.
Story Time YouTube Channels
We all have phones and devices that can contain apps for games and videos for children. While these are nice distractions and some can be very educational, they do not replace reading a book. Little ones need and love books. When children are too young to read, having books read aloud to them is very beneficial for many reasons. Of course nothing can replace cuddling up with a parent or grandparent, to read a book, when that is not possible we can turn to technology and those apps on our devices. Here are seven awesome story time YouTube channels I discovered that read classic books to children. These channels contain fun, dramatic reading of books while the child can follow along page by page.