Add Rest To Your Schedule

It was the busiest day of my week. It was co-op, Bible study, figure skating lessons, and hockey practice on top of all the usual mom duties. My eyes weren't even open and I realized my day had hit a snag.
I tried to swallow, but couldn't. I reached for the water beside my bed thinking I just needed something to wet my dry, scratchy throat. The water wouldn't even go down without a serious amount of pain. I tried to get ready as usual and hoped my symptoms would just go away.
No such luck. Cue the headache, swollen glands, and fever. I could.not.move.
Today is not the day for this.
Of all days of the week! Why now? I seriously did not have time for a sick day. Homeschool moms do not get sick days.
The more I tried to fight through the worse I felt. Finally, after making breakfast totally exhausted me, I crawled back into bed.
Maybe, today needs to be the day for this.
As I looked back at days and weeks prior. I had been running on fumes. My schedule had been seriously packed. It was constant motion from early in the morning to late at night. I was having a hard time keeping up with the housework, cooking, homeschool, work, my husband....everything. There was simply no more room in my schedule to fit anything more.
Related post: One More Thing
The answer to my problem seemed simple. Just schedule less. It wasn't that simple. Even when there was nothing on the official schedule, I filled it with busy work. I couldn't turn off the part of me that had to be productive, or at least feeling I was.